To-Do List [Notional]
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fCash maturity What happens when fCash matures?
fCash maturity What happens with positive fCash
fCash maturity What happens with negative fCash
Understanding fCash financials
AMM & Lending Trade - How are exchange rates and interest rates related?
Valuing fCash How does interest accrue?
Lending Trade How do transaction fees work?
Risks subject to the change in Rates Understanding interest rate risk
How does the value of fCash change as interest rates change?
How does time to maturity factor into interest rate risk?
How do changes in interest rates change the rate at which interest accrues on your fCash?
What are fCash markets and why do we need them?
AMM Structure of fCash market - cTokens, fCash, and the AMM curve
AMM Purpose of fCash market - to facilitate trades for end users at any time
Lending Trade What happens when someone trades on an fCash market - reserves change, interest rate changes
What are liquidity providers and why do we need them?
fCash markets need liquidity to function
What are liquidity tokens and how do you mint and redeem them?
How providing liquidity works in detail
Walk through the flow, including the part about holding a negative cash balance in the portfolio
Net fCash positions
Show that trades can give the LP a net fCash position
How do liquidity providers make money?
Earn interest on cTokens + transaction fees
Net fCash position interest
Net fCash position duration risk
What risks do liquidity providers take?
How can liquidity providers lose money?
What are nTokens and why do we need them?
Difficulties of LP tokens. Requiring LPs to choose and manage maturities places a lot of burden on them.
Quick overview of how nTokens work and how it improves LP experience.
nToken mechanics in detail
Walk through what happens when someone mints
Walk through what happens when someone redeems
Walk through what happens at quarterly rolls (at a high level, no talk of residuals)
Net fCash positions
Show that the nToken can develop different net fCash positions at different maturities
How do nToken holders make money
Earn interest on cTokens + transaction fees
Net fCash position interest
Net fCash position duration risk
What risks do nToken holders take?
How can nToken holders lose money?
What are leveraged vaults and why do we need them?
Leveraged vaults allow users to get leverage on DeFi yield strategies
Overview of how leveraged vaults work
Leveraged vault mechanics in detail
What happens when you enter
What happens when you exit
What happens when you roll
Collateralization and liquidation
How does collateralization work?
How does liquidation work?