fCash Overview fCash Overview - Why fCash? What problems does it solve?
AMM Overview and Trades fCash markets basics - How do lending and borrowing happen on notional? (super basic)
fCash Valuation 1 fCash valuation - Continuous compounding, future value and present value with an example of a lender.
Liquidity fee
Lending - explain Lending trade in detail + explain how to use the tool and what info it provides - Impact of exit interest rates
Lending advanced - explain Lending trade in detail + explain how to use the tool and what info it provides - Impact of exit interest rates
Borrowing - explain Borrowing trade in detail + explain how to use the tool and what info it provides - Impact of exit interest rates
How to manage your position as a borrower? Wish good luck to the borrower - how can one adjust their collateral ratio - UI screenshots
What happens at maturity? - You don't give a shit - What happens with the lender and the borrower at the time of maturity?
AMM 1 - Impact of scalar and anchor
AMM 2 - Why we need a dynamic curve
impact of lending trade on liquidity pool - borrowers frowning - pool prop - Rates and exchange rate
impact of Borrowing trade on liquidity pool - The team is partying - pool prop - Rates and exchange rate
impact of LP trade on liquidity pool| - pool prop - Rates and exchange rate
liquidity provisioning v1 vs v2 - table (pros-cons)
nTokens intro - do you want NOTE incentives? - Deposit shares
nToken minting - flow diagram
nToken redemption - flow diagram
Net fCash position - retweet every week
Quarterly rolls - what happens to your liquidity at the time of maturity?
LPs making $$ - How LPs make money? - liquidity fee - Net fCash pos - NOTE incentives
Interest rate risk - Lender - Borrower - LP
making money with Interest rate risk, "reverse uno" - Lender - Borrower - LP
Maturity risk - graph & excel ss
A product for leveragooors - leverage vault basics
Liquidations ๐ฆ
wstETH/WETH strategy risk and rewards
wstETH/WETH strategy enter
wstETH/WETH strategy Exit
Last updated 1 year ago